法國拉法葉莊園(Maquis de Lafayette, Eurotra France)于2008年在南寧市投資成立(中法合資)拉法葉酒業,依托這個平臺將優質的法國葡萄酒、歷史悠久的法國葡萄酒文化經廣西傳播至大中國區域(含港、澳、臺地區)。
Adhering to the above concept, in Nanning 2008, Chaterlain de Lafayette (Eurotra France) established the Sino-French joint venture- Lafayette Wines, hope to promote high quality French wines and spread historic French wine’s culture from Guangxi to China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions ) .
We firmly believe that only personally care of our soil, carefully care of vines, personally brewing high quality wines, can get the achievement of our sustainable development. We cherish our soil and the environment, respect each employee's hard work, abandon industrial products, respect the life and soul of each bottle of our wines, chase perfect and share the experience of French wine!.